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Volunteer Profile: Kiz Syed

Kiz, leading and learning, plus living through quarantine, describes his CCT experience being fairly new to Boston and CCT.

Volunteer since: 2019

CCT Role: Project Manager

MBA: Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

First CCT project: YouthBuild Boston

How did you discover CCT? Tuck alumni network

Describe your CCT experience:

Engaging, impactful, and rewarding! CCT helped me expand my network in Boston, contribute to worthwhile causes, and re-live the MBA study group experience! I’ve served as a project manager so far (what that means is that I’m a show-horse more than a work-horse!). I’m constantly amazed by how CCT teams are able to moonlight as consultants for these organizations and deliver valuable insights. I learn from my teammates on every project and I’ve been able to leverage those learnings for my day-job as well!

What does CCT offer that all the other activities which vie for your limited free time do not? Professionally, you get to test out other industries through the consulting projects if you are considering a career switch. The highlight for me is meeting other MBAs in the Boston area from different industries and schools. Tuckies tend to stick together, so it’s always refreshing meeting folks from other schools.

What don’t we know about you?

During quarantine I bought a saxophone and a skateboard. I should have also bought lessons for both since I sound like a worn-out car brake and am covered in bruises from falling constantly.


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