In between training for races, Lisa enjoys working with great clients and wonderful team members, finding that CCT has led to friendships and learning about nonprofits she otherwise would never have know about.

Current CCT role: Board Co-Chair
Volunteer since: 2012
MBA: Graduate School of Business at University of Chicago
How did you discover CCT?
Lisa had taken a couple of years away from the workforce to take care of her mother’s affairs and was looking for some interesting volunteer opportunities. A former colleague who was a Wharton MBA shared an email she received regarding CCT and Lisa followed up. She completed an application, “…and never looked back.”
Describe your CCT experience:
Lisa has had very positive experiences with all of her projects. In particular, she refers to, “…great clients, wonderful team members and co-PMs, and really interesting and varied projects.” Lisa also adds that she has, “…made good friends and learned about a number of nonprofits I never would have known about.” When asked what is unique about the value she derives from her work with CCT, she responds, “Besides the obvious opportunity to provide real service to deserving nonprofits, it is the opportunity to work with like minded, really smart and passionate people.”
What don’t we know about you?
Lisa loves to run and is usually training for or thinking about training for a race.